Friday, December 25, 2009


I'm working on a record and it's gonna be my last one for a while.
I wanna be able to have something edgier and not have to worry about what people think cuz I'm growing up and I wanna have more of the sound that I'm really into!
Sometimes I write songs that I just keep for myself cuz they're just for the peace of my mind but sometimes I write songs and I think "wow,it's really good,too bad I can't put it on the record 'cause it's too dark!",well I don't want this anymore,I wanna be able to really express myself with songs that I really love.

I'm not saying I don't like my songs,don't take it in a wrong way,I'm just saying that songs like "Party in the USA"are not really what I use to listen to; songs like "Kicking and Screaming"fit my personality and my style better. :)
Love yall,Miley.


  1. Miley, dont judge your self to hard, just be your self. We love your songs, we will listen it.

  2. Miley dont worry to much about the whole thing, YOU CHANGE YOUR MUSIC. if people are your true fans, then of course they will listen to it! i no i will, i mean your not a little girl anymore! your all grown up, you deserve a break in the music. just do it miley! go for it girl :)) <3<3

  3. Dear Miley,
    I totally agree with Maisiee. you're not a little girl anymore, be your self, Miley! Dont be afraid, your true fans not gonna leave you! I know you can do it! =))

    Love, XoXo CoolCat =)

  4. be a few accountants sweating marbles i should imagine, but that's just it... your not in it for the money, your in it for the art and the moment art becomes just a process for bread and butter then it no longer holds its magic or artistic merit.I'm sure you have made enough money to sustain the rest of your life assuming you don't have parasites attached to you so a change in what you produce is not going to suddenly break things and throw the /\/\i|_ey brand under a buss. Your not going anywhere(not about to fade away) & time is our freind because it brings wisdom & knowledge & greater enjoyment to those who use it to learn from.
    Just do what you do & leave the worrying up to those who are afraid of change and sit shaking in the corner each time the wind changes direction. you are stronger and more resilient than that & i'm sure your fan base is too, not to mention the new fans you will pick up in the process. maybe giving an album a type of theme will help highlight that it may be a little different to what some may expect.
