Sunday, January 3, 2010


Hey guys!!!
We're in 2010 now,wow!This year is gonna be a good one,I have a lot of new interesting projects and I can't wait you guys to see "The Last Song".
I'm so excited 'cuz I'm working on my last record(for a while,not forever lol)and it's going to be really cool,new sound!
My 2010 wish was stop talking about things I want to do, and just get out there and do it and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.
New year,new start!
I know you're all going crazy 'cuz you don't know where I am,a lot of you are saying that I'm in Australia with Liam and a lot of you are saying that I'm in Nashville,well I'm in an happy place :)I'm finally happy,I've started this new year smiling!
Yesterday Nick Jonas did his first solo concert and he rocked it,as usual.I'm so proud of Nick and I wish him the best 'cuz he really deserves all that he is getting.
Another thing,don't hate on Selena Gomez.We're not friends,we just don't get along,we tried but we're so different that it's kinda impossible but don't hate on her,I don't know if she is back with Nick or not and I don't care,I want all of us to be happy.
I'm so excited 'cuz I did a cameo in "Sex and the City 2"and even if it's just a cameo for me was one of the best things ever,so watch it 'cuz btw the movie is absolutely brilliant!
I will do another movie called "Wings".I'm going to play a girl named Laurel and I'm so excited,I really wanna do more acting this year cuz it's always a challenge :)
I'm kinda sad 'cuz this one will be the last season of Hannah Montana but you know,I can't stay there forever,we all need to grow up and do other things.
One of the things I'm going to miss the most is seeing Emily,Mitch,Moises and Jason everyday.They're like a family to me 'cuz we basically grew up together,especially me,Emily and Mitch.We've been through a lot together and I love them so much.Mitch is like a brother to me.We're super close maybe because we're so alike,I don't know but he's my best friend.
So guys,what about you?How did you start this new year?I love you
xoxo -Miley.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. congrats on the new start. i like your discription "happy place" hahaha.
    i could explain to you why you and selena dont get on well but otherwise you will figure it out in your mid to late 20s(most likely). no hurry.
    The world is full of all different types of peopel with all different types of tastes and being an individual is what its all about, ... being different and everyone wants to be uninique. Teens n Tweens going through all those changes want desprately for some rock to hold on to, some thing of value and integrity that they can call home intellectually, and sadly that is lacking the most in our society with people seeling themselves out for money left right and centre.
    soo in light of this no doubt a few hearts may be broken when hannah montanah ends but you can be a parent & role model for all kids just because their own parents have let them down soo badly.
    we gotta live our own lifes and do what we need to do to make ourselves happy.
    your dad was spot on"as soon as it stops being fun stop" well thats a good guide until you learn your own precise breaking points and ways to mend yourself. until such a time never take on more than you can stay happy with.

    peace light truth love
    the path to that we hold above

    Rock on Miley, you rock like meices to peices & tell mandy to get back on twitter i miss her :D

  3. oops i promise to preview and spell/type check before posting next time
    "you CANT be a parent and role model to every child whos parents and teachers have failed"

  4. Hey's lovig_cyrus Niley aka..Elizabeth...Although this year hasn't start out the it should of..I'm glad that u are finnaly settled and happy with Liam....Maybe it's fate that it turned out this way... But lets carry on the year being happy Miley...Don't worry about the past and look to the have amazing projects lined up for this year like the movie....and also the Last song premiers...Which i'm so excited to see.. :D So have fun and don't worry too much of what people think or what the media is going to say...Live your life the way you want to this year... 2010 is the "Year of no fear"... I'm so happy that you happy Miley !!
    thanks for everything.. :D you are an amazing person..Don't forget it.

  5. One day, One of my best friends said to me that i should listen to a song of offspring, because I was depressed enough, the song was called " HAVE YOU EVER ". really, i want that you listen the song or read the lyric, it´s a GREAT song. a bit of the song:

    Have you ever walked through a room, But it was more like the room passed around you,Like there was a leash around your neck that pulled you through.
    Have you ever been at someplace, Recognizing everybody's face, Until you realized that there was no one there you knew,Well I know..

    .well, i know that this doesn´t have anything to see with your blog.. But i want to show it to you, cuz this song was much for me and I hope that it uses you as something when you feel sad or alone. :D
    For you of a friend, thanks for all. :)
    ( i really waiting to see THE LAST SONG :D)

    DREAMSandHOPE ;)

  6. Wow, miley all these movies! you were made for this ey, you are amazing! you deserve every little bit of this! <3..Well my start to the new year, was well okay. me and my friend were screaming jumping up and down counting down :DD it was great! :) but now, hmm i was trudging up my hill to my house which is a MASSIVE hill full of snow! its up to my knees, its crazy! but i am just gunna stare at it and keep it in my mind, we dont get his much snow EVER! its such a beautiful thing. Heyy and yeah just do everything you wanna do! i want you to do it!! You even inspire my little 8 year old brother!! he loves every miley song! sings along to them! Even when he plays football! :) aww i love it! my little brother is the best! he loves the new album aswell! ;) obviously i do, but my little brother! Me and my little brothers dream is to watch you live again, and well speak to you in person! would be the best. impossible! buttt dreams do come true! and we will never give up!! Miley.. i cant wait to see what you do this year! lots of love and wish you the best.. :) Maisie xxx

  7. You can still be a role model to kids whether or not you are in Disney, little kids look up to you and its sort of your responsibility to guide them. It doesn't mean staying Hannah Montana, it simply means just setting a good example, not swearing in public, not getting excessively drunk, not taking drugs etc. It just means being a good person. xxx

  8. Rebecca, Keep in mind all people have a different idea of what being a "good person" is.
    It is not Mileys' responsibility to make up for bad parenting. IF children choose to follow a young adult as a role model then that's great, but the young adult should not be expected or told to live their own life as a pre pubescent child just to please the parents of those children. We are ALL role models to children every time we go out in public, HOWEVER... i have no right to tell another parent how to raise their child just as a parent has no right to tell me how to live my life.

  9. Haha wow i just realised, the comment i posted, was just me rambling on :DD ohh well,gotta love the ramble ey!
    miley i pray for you to just keep up everything your doing. Dont stop even if you think theres to much change :). cos there wont be! i will be praying. godbless you miley , lots of love :) <3
